Epigenetic Analysis

The DNA Health test gives you a customized guide to your optimal health. It’s the equivalent of having an operating manual for your unique body.



  • optimize well-being

  • personalize lifestyle and diet choices

  • better tailor supplements to offset any particular nutritional deficits based on specific gene variants

“The study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself.”

Epigenetic Interpretation is like having an instruction manual for your unique body. Every body metabolizes nutrients differently. This test shows you where your body needs support to give your cells what they need to work their best for you. 

The DNA Health test is designed to optimize well-being and health by personalizing lifestyle and diet choices and, where necessary, using supplements tailored to offset any particular nutritional deficit based on specific gene variants.

Optimal nutrition is necessary for good health, longevity and disease risk mitigation. Diet is a key factor in determining genomic stability as it impacts on all relevant pathways:  exposure to dietary carcinogens, biotransformation, DNA repair and synthesis, and apoptosis. Current recommended dietary allowances for vitamins and minerals are based largely on the prevention of diseases of deficiency. However, because diseases of lifestyle are partly caused by damage to DNA it stands to reason that focusing our attention on defining optimal requirements of key minerals and vitamins will promote genomic stability.