Winter Survival Guide

Winter is certainly here, nights are chilly, the wind is sharp, and if you’re like me, you’re doing whatever it takes to stay inside. There is a bone chilling cold that comes each winter season and can be hard to shake. This is usually accompanied by dry skin, chapped lips, and dandruff. All of these winter woes can make the season difficult, but luckily it doesn’t have to be! These few tips and tricks can actually make winter more enjoyable, and maybe even pass by a little faster.

Warming from the inside out:

When your bones are cold, there is only one way to fix it, warm liquids! In the winter I am constantly sipping on warm broths, teas, blended soups, and warm smoothies. When ingested, spices like cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, and coriander all have a warming effect and can be added to any recipe!  I love mixing Four Sigmatic Chai Latte Mushroom mix with warm coconut milk for a decadent treat before bed. Their formula contains all my favorites, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and ginger. Additionally, they add turkey tail and reishi mushrooms to soothe both your gut and mind.

Soothing dry skin:

Drinking plenty of water is essential for skin hydration. In the winter, when the air is dry we require more water to maintain this balance. An easy way to calculate your needs is divide your weight in half and drink that in oz. Anything caffeinated, like black tea or coffee, and alcohol will need to be replaced so if you have an 8 oz coffee in the morning, be sure to add that to your daily needs.

Healthy fats will also help keep skin moisturized. Look for foods rich in omega fatty acids like:

  • Raw nuts and nut butters

  • Avocado

  • Wild caught salmon

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Chia seeds

  • Grass-fed Ghee

Additionally, collagen powder and vitamin C help to plump the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

Topically, moisturizing oils like coconut, shea, jojoba, and olive can be used all over the body to fight dry skin. Here at STANDwellness we are huge fans of the Clary Collection oils and balms. These formulas use a unique blend of organic olive, plantain, calendula, chamomile, and lavender oils to moisturize and soothe dry, flaky, winter skin.

Beat Dandruff:

There are many potential causes for a flaky, itchy scalp. During the winter months, dehydration and cold weather are the main culprits. Adding a few drops of doTERRA lavender essential oil to your shampoo can help soothe the itchiness.

Need additional help feel free to contact Tapp and I for nutrition related guidance to beat the winter blues!